Charlotte Art League

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Key Personnel:
Executive Director - Jim Dukes

 Director of Operations- Kate Mcallister

ABOUT: Charlotte Art League is a 501 (c)3 non-profit visual arts organization that offers a unique mix of open working studios, classes, and community outreach programs along with a public gallery.  Since 1965, CAL has served as an accessible gateway to the arts experience for art lovers of all ages and backgrounds and is Charlotte’s oldest nonprofit art gallery and organization. After residing in South End Charlotte for more than 20 years, CAL has recently relocated near the NoDa/North End neighborhoods. 

Charlotte Art League envisions a community that celebrates boundless creative expression and opportunity through arts, and the creative process. Charlotte Art League exists to enrich the community through teaching, empowering, and advocating for the creative arts. 

Teach - introductory classes, skill development workshops, artist cultivation through scholarships
Foster - exhibitions and gallery shows, affordable workspace for artists, inclusive membership
Advocate - open/free gallery space, curation services, community engagement, and neighborhood art projects 

Community Programs

  • Healing Art Programs: Healing Art Programs at Charlotte Art League will start out focusing on three groups; Veterans, Older Adults and Trauma Survivors. Determination of the groups was based on community needs and requests and the experience of our existing teaching artists. These groups are designed to be non-therapeutic, meaning they aren’t a therapy session. Rather, they are a means of facilitating communication and a sense of community through the creative process. In many cases these programs can be an effective addition to ongoing therapy that individuals are receiving. To get some first hand information about healing art, watch this TedX talk by Jim Dukes, Community Manager and group facilitator.

  • Brush N Beats,
    Monthly program every third-Friday tradition held from 6-9pm. Visitors purchase a canvas at the door then enjoy unlimited painting and tunes all night.

  • Opportunities to meet artists and makers directly and purchase art include the monthly First Friday Art Reception, our Starving Artist Market, and the annual Summer at the Station House Arts Festival. 

  • Charlotte Art League partners with community organizations like the Arts and Science Council, UMAR, Mental Health America, the Howie Acres and Hidden Valley neighborhood associations, and more to bring community-sponsored programming that reaches a wider audience that is inclusive of all populations.

  • Charlotte Art League offers a variety of low-cost art classes and workshop retreats.


Studio 345


Bunny Gregory