Derita Design


Derita Design is a safe space to think radically about design. It is a place meant to make a mess and see the world through the beauty of design. With a slant toward sustainability and re-use, the aim is to arm the next generation of my community with tools to create their world with local and "re-local" materials. In the Derita Design there is a plastic recycling program that takes bottles and plastic bags and turns them into sheets for use in crafts.

Derita Design is ran by Hasheem Halim. An aspiring architect with a passion for design. Specifically foundations of design and culture.

The Derita Design Library seeks to arm our community with heightened design theory. The Derita Design seeks to be a haven for trying out design. And Saturn proper seeks to inspire others to design with legible, beautiful, and local design.


Sloane Siobhan


Brooklyn Collective- Charlotte